Foodstuffs - Determination elements and their chemical species - Determination of organomercury in seafood by elemental mercury analysis

This document describes a method for the determination of organomercury in seafood/fishery products by elemental mercury analysis. The method has been successfully valideted in an interlaboratory study with a working range from 0,013 mg/kg to 5,12 mg/kg (HORRAT values <2) in seafood/fishery products [1], [2]. The limit of quantification is approximately 0,010 mg/kg organomercury (referring to dry weight, expressed as mercury) [3], [4].
Organic species of mercury, other than monomethylmercury, are also extracted and thus determined with this method. However, in seafood/fishery products the contribution from organic species of mercury other than monomethylmercury is negligible.

Lebensmittel - Bestimmung von Elementen und ihren Verbindungen - Bestimmung von Organoquecksilber in Fisch- und Meeresfrüchten mit Feststoffquecksilberbestimmung

Dieses Dokument legt ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Organoquecksilber in Fisch und Meeresfrüchten durch Nutzung eines Quecksilber Feststoff Analysators fest. Das Verfahren wurde in einem Ringversuch an Austerngewebe, Muschelgewebe, Hummer Hepatopankreas, Hundshaileber und Thunfisch mit Mengen von 0,01 mg/kg bis 5 mg/kg (bezogen auf das Trockengewicht und als Quecksilber ausgedrückt) erfolgreich validiert [1], [2].
Die Bestimmungsgrenze liegt bei etwa 0,01 mg/kg Organoquecksilber[3], [4].
Andere organische Quecksilberspezies als Monomethylquecksilber werden ebenfalls extrahiert und somit mit diesem Verfahren bestimmt. Bei Fisch und Meeresfrüchten ist der Beitrag anderer organischer Quecksilberspezies neben Monomethylquecksilber jedoch vernachlässigbar.

Produits alimentaires - Dosage des éléments et de leurs espèces chimiques - Dosage du mercure organique dans les fruits de mer par analyse du mercure élémentaire

La présente Norme européenne spécifie une méthode de dosage du mercure organique dans les produits
de la mer par analyse du mercure élémentaire. La méthode a été validée au cours d’un essai
interlaboratoires sur du tissu d’huître, du tissu de moule, de l’hépatopancréas de homard, du foie de
roussette et du thon à des niveaux allant de 0,01 mg/kg à 5 mg/kg faisant référence au poids sec et
exprimés en tant que mercure [1], [2].
La limite de quantification est d’environ 0,01 mg/kg de mercure organique [3], [4].
Les espèces organiques du mercure, autres que le monométhylmercure, sont également extraites et ainsi
dosées avec cette méthode. Cependant, dans les produits de la mer, la contribution des espèces
organiques du mercure autres que le monométhylmercure est négligeable.

Živila - Določevanje elementov in njihovih kemijskih oblik - Določevanje organskih živosrebrovih spojin v morski hrani z analizo elementarnega živega srebra

Ta dokument opisuje metodo za določanje organskega živega srebra v morskih /ribiških proizvodih z elementarno analizo živega srebra. Metoda je bila uspešno potrjena v medlaboratorijski študiji z delovnim obsegom od 0,013 mg/kg do 5,12 mg/kg (vrednosti HORRAT < 2) v morskih sadežih/ribiških proizvodih [1], [2]. Meja količinskega določanja je približno 0,010 mg/kg organskega živega srebra (ki se navezuje na suho maso, izraženo kot živo srebro) [3], [4]. Organske vrste živega srebra, razen monometilnega živega srebra, se tudi ekstrahirajo in tako določijo s to metodo. Vendar pa je v morskih/ribiških proizvodih prispevek organskih vrst živega srebra, razen monometilnega živega srebra, zanemarljiv.

General Information

Public Enquiry End Date
Publication Date
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6060 - National Implementation/Publication (Adopted Project)
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Due Date
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EN 17266:2020
English language
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 17266:2020
Živila - Določevanje elementov in njihovih kemijskih oblik - Določevanje organskih
živosrebrovih spojin v morski hrani z analizo elementarnega živega srebra
Foodstuffs - Determination elements and their chemical species - Determination of
organomercury in seafood by elemental mercury analysis
Lebensmittel - Bestimmung von Elementen und ihren Verbindungen - Bestimmung von
Organoquecksilber in Fisch- und Meeresfrüchten mit Feststoffquecksilberbestimmung
Produits alimentaires - Dosage des éléments et de leurs espèces chimiques - Dosage du
mercure organique dans les fruits de mer par analyse du mercure élémentaire
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 17266:2019
67.120.30 Ribe in ribji proizvodi Fish and fishery products
SIST EN 17266:2020 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
SIST EN 17266:2020

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SIST EN 17266:2020

EN 17266


November 2019
ICS 67.120.30
English Version

Foodstuffs - Determination elements and their chemical
species - Determination of organomercury in seafood by
elemental mercury analysis
Produits alimentaires - Dosage des éléments et de leurs Lebensmittel - Bestimmung von Elementen und ihren
espèces chimiques - Dosage du mercure organique Verbindungen - Bestimmung von Organoquecksilber in
dans les produits de la mer par analyse du mercure Fisch und Meeresfrüchten mittels Elementaranalyse
élémentaire von Quecksilber
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 9 September 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 17266:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
SIST EN 17266:2020
EN 17266:2019 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 4
4 Principle . 4
5 Reagents . 5
6 Apparatus and equipment . 7
7 Procedure. 8
7.1 Sample preparation . 8
7.2 Reagent blank solution . 8
7.3 Determination by elemental mercury analyser .

SIST EN 17266:2020
Živila - Določevanje elementov in njihovih kemijskih oblik - Določevanje organskih
živosrebrovih spojin v morski hrani z analizo elementarnega živega srebra
Foodstuffs - Determination elements and their chemical species - Determination of
organomercury in seafood by elemental mercury analysis
Lebensmittel - Bestimmung von Elementen und ihren Verbindungen - Bestimmung von
Organoquecksilber in Fisch- und Meeresfrüchten mit Feststoffquecksilberbestimmung
Produits alimentaires - Dosage des éléments et de leurs espèces chimiques - Dosage du
mercure organique dans les fruits de mer par analyse du mercure élémentaire
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 17266:2019
67.120.30 Ribe in ribji proizvodi Fish and fishery products
SIST EN 17266:2020 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
SIST EN 17266:2020

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
SIST EN 17266:2020

EN 17266


November 2019
ICS 67.120.30
English Version

Foodstuffs - Determination elements and their chemical
species - Determination of organomercury in seafood by
elemental mercury analysis
Produits alimentaires - Dosage des éléments et de leurs Lebensmittel - Bestimmung von Elementen und ihren
espèces chimiques - Dosage du mercure organique Verbindungen - Bestimmung von Organoquecksilber in
dans les produits de la mer par analyse du mercure Fisch und Meeresfrüchten mittels Elementaranalyse
élémentaire von Quecksilber
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 9 September 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 17266:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
SIST EN 17266:2020
EN 17266:2019 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 4
4 Principle . 4
5 Reagents . 5
6 Apparatus and equipment . 8
7 Procedure. 8
7.1 Sample preparation . 8
7.2 Reagent blank solution . 8
7.3 Determination by elemental mercury analyser .

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