Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 43: Integrated generic resources: Representation structures — Technical Corrigendum 1

Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Représentation et échange de données de produits — Partie 43: Ressources génériques intégrées: Structures de représentation — Rectificatif technique 1

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ISO 10303-43:1994/Cor 1:1999 - Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 43: Integrated generic resources: Representation structures — Technical Corrigendum 1 Released:7/29/1999
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Standards Content (Sample)

©ISO ISO 10303-43:1994/Cor.1:1999(E)
Modifications to the text of ISO 10303-43:1994
Clause 4, p. 3
The entity measure_value is required to be referenced for the new function valid_measure_value. In
the EXPRESS Specification, delete the following:
REFERENCE FROM measure_schema
replace with the following:
REFERENCE FROM measure_schema
Clause 4.3, p. 8
The EXPRESS type declaration for founded_item_select has to be added to clause 4.3 to
correct a logical error in other parts of ISO 10303. The current clause title has to be
changed to accomodate the additional type definition. Replace:
4.3 Representation_schema type definition: transformation
4.3 Representation type definitions
4.3.1 founded_item_select
A founded_item_select is a selection between a founded_item and a representation_item.
EXPRESS specification:
TYPE founded_item_select = SELECT
4.3.2 transformation
Clause 4.4.1, p. 8
The EXPRESS specification of uncertainty_measure_with_unit contained logical errors
in the WHERE rule.   WR1 required modification to the logic and the addition of the
function valid_measure_value.  Delete the current WR1 and replace WR1 with the
 WR1: valid_measure_value(SELF\measure_with_unit.value_component);
Clause 4.4, p. 17

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ISO 10303-43:1994/Cor.1:1999(E) ©ISO
The EXPRESS entity declaration for founded_item has to be added to clause 4.4 to correct
a logical error in other parts of ISO 10303. Add the following new subclause to 4.4 after
the current clause 4.4.13.
4.4.14 founded_item
The founded_item entity data type represents an element of representation that participates indirectly in
the definition of a representation. A founded_item can be used only as part of the definition of a
representation_item, and is founded through the participation of the representation_item in a
representation. A founded_item can not be an item in a representation.
NOTE – This entity data type is semantically equivalent to representation_item. Its definition as a discrete
entity data type allows errors in other parts of ISO 10303 to be corrected in an upwardly compatible manner.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY founded_item;
Informal propositions:
IP1: Each founded_item shall participate, directly or indirectly, in the definition of a
Clause 4.5.3, p. 21
The EXPRESS specification for the function using_representations did not initialize
the ‘results’ variable. In addition, this function required modification to include
founded_item in the set of resturned items. Delete clause 4.5.3 and replace with the
4.5.3 using_representations
The function returns the set of representations in which a
representation_item is used.
A representation_item is used in a representation if it is:
a) referenced in the set of items of the representation,
b) referenced by a representation_item used in the representation, or
c) referenced by a founded_item used in the representation.
NOTE – The second and third conditions are checks allowing for a representation_item to be
used in a representation by being part of a tree of related representation_items or founded_-
items. The tree is rooted in an entity used in a representation by fulfilling the first
A founded_item is used in a representation if it is referenced directly, or indirectly,
by a representation_item in the set of items of the representation.

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©ISO ISO 10303-43:1994/Cor.1:1999(E)
EXPRESS specification:

FUNCTION using_representations (item : founded_item_select)
 : SET OF representation;
  results      : SET OF representation;
  result_bag     : BAG OF representation;
  intermediate_items : SET OF founded_item_select;
 -- Find the representations in which the item is used and add to the
 -- results set.
 results := [];
 result_bag :=
 IF SIZEOF(result_bag) > 0 THEN
  REPEAT i := 1 TO HIINDEX(result_bag);
   results := results + result_bag[i];
 -- Find all representation_items or founded_items
 -- by which item is referenced directly or indirectly.
 intermediate_items := using_items(item,[]);
 -- If the set of intermediate items is not empty;
 IF SIZEOF(intermediate_items) > 0 THEN
  -- For each element in the set, add the
  -- representations of that element.
  REPEAT i := 1 TO HIINDEX(intermediate_items);
   result_bag := USEDIN(intermediate_items[i],
   IF SIZEOF(result_bag) > 0 THEN
    REPEAT j := 1 TO HIINDEX(result_bag);
     results := results + result_bag[j];
 -- Return the set of representation in which the input item is
 -- used directly and indirectly (through intervening
 -- representation_items or founded items).
 RETURN (results);
Argument definitions:
item: the representation_item or founded_item for which using instances of representa-
tion are determined. This is input to the function.
Clause 4.5, p. 22
The function using_representations requires another function using_items. Add the
following new clause 4.5.4 after the current clause 4.5.3.
4.5.4 using_items
The function using_items returns the set of instances of representation_item or
founded_item that reference a representation_item directly or indirectly.

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ISO 10303-43:1994/Cor.1:1999(E) ©ISO
EXPRESS specification:
FUNCTION using_items (item : founded_item_select;
           checked_items: SET OF founded_item_select)
          : SET OF founded_item_select;

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