Information technology — Security techniques — Information security for supplier relationships — Part 3: Guidelines for information and communication technology supply chain security

ISO/IEC 27036-3:2013 provides product and service acquirers and suppliers in the information and communication technology (ICT) supply chain with guidance on: gaining visibility into and managing the information security risks caused by physically dispersed and multi-layered ICT supply chains; responding to risks stemming from the global ICT supply chain to ICT products and services that can have an information security impact on the organizations using these products and services. These risks can be related to organizational as well as technical aspects (e.g. insertion of malicious code or presence of the counterfeit information technology (IT) products); integrating information security processes and practices into the system and software lifecycle processes, described in ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 12207, while supporting information security controls, described in ISO/IEC 27002. ISO/IEC 27036-3:2013 does not include business continuity management/resiliency issues involved with the ICT supply chain. ISO/IEC 27031 addresses business continuity.

Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Sécurité d'information pour la relation avec le fournisseur — Partie 3: Lignes directrices pour la sécurité de la chaîne de fourniture des technologies de la communication et de l'information

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ISO/IEC 27036-3:2013 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security for supplier relationships
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STANDARD 27036-3
First edition
Information technology — Security
techniques — Information security for
supplier relationships —
Part 3:
Guidelines for information and
communication technology supply
chain security
Technologies de l’information — Techniques de sécurité — Sécurité
d’information pour la relation avec le fournisseur —
Partie 3: Lignes directrices pour la sécurité de la chaîne de fourniture
des technologies de la communication et de l’information
Reference number
ISO/IEC 27036-3:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 2013

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ISO/IEC 27036-3:2013(E)

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ISO/IEC 27036-3:2013(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Structure of this standard . 2
5 Key concepts . 2
5.1 Business case for ICT supply chain security . 2
5.2 ICT supply chain risks and associated threats . 3
5.3 Acquirer and supplier relationship types . 3
5.4 Organizational capability . 4
5.5 System lifecycle processes . 4
5.6 ISMS processes in relation to system lifecycle processes . 5
5.7 ISMS information security controls in relation to ICT supply chain security . 5
5.8 Essential ICT supply chain security practices . 5
6 ICT supply chain security in Lifecycle Processes . 7
6.1 Agreement Processes . 7
6.2 Organizational Project-Enabling Processes .10
6.3 Project Processes .13
6.4 Technical Processes .15
Annex A (informative) Summary of Supply and Acquisition Processes from ISO/IEC 15288 and
ISO/IEC 12207 .24
Annex B (informative) Clause 6 mapping to ISO/IEC 27002 .35
Bibliography .37
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 27036-3 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 27, IT Security techniques.
ISO/IEC 27036 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Security
techniques — Information security for supplier relationships:
— Part 1: Overview and concepts
— Part 2: Requirements
— Part 3: Guidelines for information and communication technology supply chain security
The following part is under preparation:
— Part 4: Guidelines for security of cloud services.
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products and services are developed, integrated, and
delivered globally through deep and physically dispersed supply chains. ICT products are assembled from
many components provided by many suppliers. ICT services throughout the entire supplier relationship
are also delivered through multiple tiers of outsourcing and supply chaining. Acquirers do not have
visibility into the practices of hardware, software, and service providers beyond first or possibly second
link of the supply chain. With the substantial increase in the number of organizations and people who
“touch” an ICT product or service, the visibility into the practices by which these products and services
are put together has decreased dramatically. This lack of visibility, transparency, and traceability into
the ICT supply chain poses risks to acquiring organizations.
This standard provides guidance to ICT product and service acquirers and suppliers to reduce or manage
information security risk. This standard identifies the business case for ICT supply chain security,
specific risks and relationship types as well as how to develop an organizational capability to manage
information security aspects and incorporate a lifecycle approach to manage risks supported by specific
controls and practices. Its application is expected to result in:
— Increased ICT supply chain visibility and traceability to enhance information security capability;
— Increased understanding by the acquirers of where their products or services are coming from, and
of the practices used to develop, integrate, or operate these products or services, to enhance the
implementation of information security requirements;
— In case of an information security compromise, the availability of information about what may have
been compromised and who the involved actors may be.
This international standard is intended to be used by all types of organizations that acquire or supply
ICT products and services in the ICT supply chain. The guidance is primarily focused on the initial link
of the first acquirer and supplier, but the principle steps should be applied throughout the chain, starting
when the first supplier changes its role to being an acquirer and so on. This change of roles and applying
the same steps for each new acquirer-supplier link in the chain is the essential intention of the standard.
By following this international standard, information security implications can be communicated
among organizations in the chain. This helps identifying information security risks and their causes and
may enhance the transparency throughout the chain. Information security concerns related to supplier
relationships cover a broad range of scenarios. Organizations desiring to improve trust within their ICT
supply chain should define their trust boundaries, evaluate the risk associated with their supply chain
activities, and then define and implement appropriate risk identification and mitigation techniques to
reduce the risk of vulnerabilities being introduced through their ICT supply chain.
ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 framework and controls provide a useful starting point for identifying
appropriate requirements for acquirers and suppliers. ISO/IEC 27036 provides further detail regarding
specific requirements to be used in establishing and monitoring supplier relationships.
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Information technology — Security techniques —
Information security for supplier relationships —
Part 3:
Guidelines for information and communication technology
supply chain security
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 27036 provides product and service acquirers and suppliers in ICT supply chain
with guidance on:
a) gaining visibility into and managing the information security risks caused by physically dispersed
and multi-layered ICT supply chains;
b) responding to risks stemming from the global ICT supply chain to ICT products and services that
can have an information security impact on the organizations using these products and services.
These risks can be related to organizational as well as technical aspects (e.g. insertion of malicious
code or presence of the counterfeit information technology (IT) products);
c) integrating information security processes and practices into the system and software lifecycle
processes, described in ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 12207, while supporting information security
controls, described in ISO/IEC 27002.
This part of ISO/IEC 27036 does not include business continuity management/resiliency issues involved
with the ICT supply chain. ISO/IEC 27031 addresses business continuity.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 27000, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management
systems — Overview and vocabulary
ISO/IEC 27036-1, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security for supplier
relationships — Part 1: Overview and concepts
ISO/IEC 27036-2, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security for supplier
relationships — Part 2: Requirements
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 27000, ISO/IEC 27036-1
and the following apply.
property of a system and its parts to perform its mission accurately and without failure or significant
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system element
member of a set of elements that constitutes a system
Note 1 to entry: A system element is a discrete part of a system that can be implemented to fulfil specified
requirements. A system element can be hardware, software, data, humans, processes (e.g. processes for providing
required functionality to users), procedures (e.g. operator instructions), facilities, materials, and naturally
occurring entities (e.g. water, organisms, minerals), or any combination.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15288:2008, definition 4.32]
property of a system or process to imply openness and accountability
property that allows the tracking of the activity of an identity, process, or an element throughout
the supply chain
confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended
use or application have been fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: Validation is the set of activities ensuring and gaining confidence that a system is able to accomplish
its intended use, goals and objectives (i.e. meet stakeholder requirements) in the intended operational environment.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15288:2008, definition 4.37]
confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: Verification is a set of activities that compares a system or system element against the required
characteristics. This may include, but is not limited to, specified requirements, design description and the system itself.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15288:2008, definition 4.38]
4 Structure of this standard
This standard is structured to be harmonized with ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 12207. Clause 6
mirrors lifecycle processes provided in those two standards. This standard is also harmonized with
ISO/IEC 27002 and references relevant information security controls within the lifecycle processes with
the mapping provided in Annex B.
The documents named in this standard are generic and do not need to be elaborate or separate
documents. Organizations should use existing documents to integrate ICT supply chain security.
5 Key concepts
5.1 Business case for ICT supply chain security
Organizations acquire ICT products and services from numerous suppliers who may in turn acquire
components from other suppliers. The information security risks associated with these dispersed and
multi-layered ICT supply chains can be managed through the application of risk management practices and
trusted relationships, thereby increasing visibility, traceability and transparency in the ICT supply chain.
For example, increased visibility into the ICT supply chain is obtained by defining adequate information
security and quality requirements, and ongoing monitoring of suppliers and their products and services
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once a supplier relationship is in operation. Identifying and tracking individuals accountable for quality
and security for critical elements provides greater traceability. Establishing contractual requirements
and expectations, as well as reviewing processes and practices provides much needed transparency.
Acquirers should establish an understanding within their organizations regarding the ICT supply chain
risks and their possible impacts on businesses. Specifically, acquirer’s management should be aware
that practices of suppliers throughout the supply chain can have impacts on whether resulting products
and services can be trusted to protect acquirer’s business, information, and information systems.
5.2 ICT supply chain risks and associated threats
In a supply chain, information security management of an individual organization (acquirer or supplier)
is not sufficient to maintain information security of the ICT products or services throughout their supply
chain. The acquirer’s management of the ICT sourcing of suppliers, products or services is essential for
information security.
Acquiring ICT products and services presents special risks to acquirers in terms of managing information
security risks. As global ICT supply chains get more physically dispersed and traverse multiple
international and organizational boundaries, specific manufacturing and operation practices applied
to individual ICT elements (products, services, and their components) become more difficult to trace
including identifying individuals accountable for quality and security of those elements. This creates a
general lack of traceability throughout the ICT supply chain which in turn results in higher risk of
— Compromise to acquirers’ information security and therefore to business operations through intentional
events such as malicious code insertion and presence of counterfeit products in the ICT supply chain
— Unintentional events, such as sloppy software development practices.
Both intentional and unintentional events may result in a compromise to acquirer’s data and operations
including intellectual property theft, data leakage, and reduced ability by acquirers to perform their
business functions. Any of these identified concerns, if they were to occur, can harm the reputation of
the organization, leading to further impacts such as loss of business.
5.3 Acquirer and supplier relationship types
ICT product and service acquirers and suppliers may involve multiple entities in a variety of supply
chain based relationships, including but not limited to:
a) ICT system management support where systems are owned by acquirer and managed by supplier;
b) ICT systems or services providers where systems or resources are owned and managed by the supplier;
c) Product development, design, engineering and build where supplier provides all or parts of the
service associated with creating ICT products;
d) Commercial-off-the-shelf product suppliers;
e) Open source product suppliers and distributors.
Acquirers’ level of risk and need for trust in supplier relationships increases when granting a supplier a
greater level of access to the acquirers’ information and information systems and acquirers’ dependency
on the supplied ICT products and services. For example, acquiring ICT system management support
has sometimes higher risk then acquiring open source or commercial off-the-shelf products. From the
supplier’s perspective, any compromises to the acquirer’s information can harm supplier reputation and
trust with the specific acquirer whose information and information systems have been compromised.
To help manage the uncertainty and risks associated with supplier relationships, acquirers and suppliers
should establish a dialogue and reach an understanding regarding mutual expectations about protecting
each other’s information and information systems.
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5.4 Organizational capability
To manage risks associated with the ICT supply chain throughout ICT products and services lifecycle,
acquirers and suppliers should implement an organizational capability for managing information
security aspects of supplier relationships. This capability should establish and monitor ICT supply chain
security objectives for the acquirer organization and monitor achievement of these objectives including
at least the following:
a) Define, select, and implement the strategy for management of information security risks caused by
ICT supply chain vulnerabilities:
1) Establish and maintain a plan for identifying potential ICT supply chain-related vulnerabilities
before they are exploited; in addition, have a plan for mitigating adverse impacts.
2) Identify and document information security risks associated with the ICT supply chain-related
threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences (see Clause 6.3.4).
b) Establish and adhere to baseline information security controls as a prerequisite to robust supplier
relationships (see Annex B for a mapping of Clause 6 to ISO/IEC 27002).
c) Establish and adhere to baseline system and software lifecycle processes and practices for
establishing robust supplier relationships in regards to ICT supply chain information security risk
management concerns (see Clause 6).
d) Have a set of baseline information security requirements that apply to all supplier relationships and
tailor them for specific suppliers as needed.
e) Establish a repeatable and testable process for establishing information security requirements
associated with new supplier relationships, managing existing supplier relationships, verifying and
validating that suppliers are complying with acquirer’s information security requirements, and
ending supplier relationships.
f) Establish change management processes to ensure changes that potentially affect information
security are approved and applied in a timely manner.
g) Define methods for identifying and managing incidents related to or caused by ICT supply chain and
for sharing information about the incidents with suppliers and acquirers.
5.5 System lifecycle processes
Lifecycle processes can help set expectations between acquirers and suppliers for rigor and accountability
with regards to information security. Acquirers can implement lifecycle processes internally, to increase
the rigor with which they establish and manage supplier relationships. Suppliers can implement lifecycle
processes to help demonstrate rigor that suppliers apply to system and software processes with respect
to supplier relationships. While having those processes in place will be helpful for both acquirers and
suppliers in beginning to address ICT supply chain risks, additional ICT supply chain security activities
should be integrated into those processes.
Systems and software present many of the ICT supply chain risks. Using a lifecycle approach provided
in ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 12207 offers an established way of managing those risks. Both standards
provide a set of the same processes as they apply to the specific context of systems or software.
ISO/IEC 12207 is a special case of applying ISO/IEC 15288. Both standards allow for the use of any
lifecycle or lifecycle model and present a set of processes that can be used within any lifecycle or any
lifecycle phase as appropriate. For example, the Configuration Management process can be used both
during system or software development and in operations and maintenance lifecycle phases. This
standard adopts the same approach as those two standards, describing each process at a summary level
by a statement of purpose and then decomposing each process into practices.
Clause 5.8 provides a summary of specific ICT supply chain security practices. Clause 6 provides a
mapping of these ICT supply chain security activities for each lifecycle process. Acquirers and suppliers
should select those activities that are relevant to their organization’s supplier relationship capabilities,
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as well as to individual supplier relationships, based on the level of risk presented by suppliers or
acquirers described in Clause 5.1.
5.6 ISMS processes in relation to system lifecycle processes
ISO/IEC 27001 provides a risk-based process for implementing an information security management
system (ISMS) within a defined scope. Existence of an ISMS within both acquirer and supplier
organizations will help acquirers and suppliers begin addressing ICT supply chain risks and realizing
the need for specific information security controls and processes needed to address these risks.
NOTE This assumes that the scope of the ISMS includes the specific part of the organization that establishes
and maintains acquirer and supplier relationships.
If an organization defines risks inherent in the ICT supply chain, specific controls that mitigate these
risks should be selected, potentially with extended controls added to ensure that the organization fully
addresses these risks. Clause 5.5 addresses use of information security controls. Annex B maps specific
information security controls to the individual lifecycle processes in Clause 6.
Suppliers can demonstrate to acquirers that they have a certain level of rigor through demonstrating
ISO/IEC 27001 conformance.
When acquirers and suppliers establish ISMSs according to ISO/IEC 27001, the information generated
should be used to communicate the status of information security management between an acquirer
and a supplier. This may include:
a) scope of the ISMS;
b) statement of applicability;
c) risk assessment procedures,
d) audit plan;
e) awareness programs;
f) incident management;
g) measurement programs;
h) information classification scheme;
i) change management;
j) other relevant specific controls applied.
5.7 ISMS information security controls in relation to ICT supply chain security
ISO/IEC 27002 includes a number of controls that specifically target external parties, including
suppliers. Clause 15 of ISO/IEC 27002 provides specific guidance for supplier relationships. These and
additional extended controls can be used within the context of the lifecycle processes to help acquirers
in validating specific supplier practices to ensure information security of acquirers’ information and
information systems.
Annex B maps specific ISO/IEC 27002 controls to individual lifecycle processes.
5.8 Essential ICT supply chain security practices
Some of the ICT supply chain risks can be addressed by applying the standards providing lifecycle
processes (ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 12207), requirements for establishing ISMS (ISO/IEC 27001),
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and information security controls (ISO/IEC 27002). More detailed practices are required to fully address
these risks, such as:
a) Chain of custody: the acquirer and supplier have the confidence that each change and handoff made
during the element’s lifetime is authorized, transparent and verifiable;
b) Least privilege access: personnel can access critical information and information systems with only
the privileges needed to do their jobs;
c) Separation of duties: control the process of creation, modification, or deletion of data or the process
of development, operation, or removal of hardware and software by ensuring that no one person or
role alone can complete a task;
d) Tamper resistance and evidence: attempts to tamper are obstructed, and when they occur they are
evident and reversible;
e) Persistent protection: critical data and information are protected in ways that remain effective
even if the data or information are transferred from the location where it was created or modified;
f) Compliance management: the success of the protections within the agreement can be continually
and independently confirmed;
g) Code assessment and verification: methods for code inspection are applied and suspicious code is
h) ICT supply chain security training: organization’s ability to effectively train relevant personnel on
information security practices. This should include secure development practices, recognition of
tampering, etc., as appropriate;
i) Vulnerability assessment and response: a formal understanding by acquirer of how well their
suppliers are equipped with the capability to collect input on vulnerabilities from researchers,
customers, or sources, and produce a meaningful impact analysis and appropriate remedies in
the short timeframe involved. This should include acquirer and supplier agreement on systematic
repeatable vulnerability response processes;
j) Defined expectations: clear language regarding the requirements to be met by the element and
design/development environment is set forth in the agr

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